LoRaWAN® connected Indoor Ambient Environment Monitoring



The TEKTELIC BREEZE is a member of our Smart Room Sensor family and integrates practical functionality into a very small form factor. With two variants options, it is an ideal solution for holistically monitoring ambient indoor environments. This device will continuously collect data for not only CO2 levels, but it can also track ambient temperature and humidity. The device will relay this data over to an E-Ink Display, a ideal for visualization of data measurements collected from our BREEZE sensor. Deploy in schools, retail, healthcare facilities, laboratories and office spaces. Combining the low power technologies of LoRaWAN, BLE and E-Ink, accommodates a low powered consumption solution. The E-Ink Display tablet is fully wireless and can be mounted on a table or wall.

CO2 Concentration
Light Detection
(On / Off)
Temperature Measurement
Humidity Measurement
Barometric Air Pressure




  • CO2 Concentration
  • Light Detection (On / Off)
  • Temperature Measurement
  • Humidity Measurement
  • Barometric Air Pressure
  • User Configurable Parameters and Thresholds
  • Designed for Optimal Battery Life
  • Pairable with E-Ink Display
  • Wall, Ceiling or Table Mount Configurations
  • Simple Deployment
  • Sleek and Unobstructed Design
  • Ambient Indoor Environment Monitoring
Operational Temperature 0°C to 60°C
Storage Temperature -40°C to 60°C
LoRa Device Class A
Antenna Internal
RF Sensitivity up to -137dBm
RF Power 15 dBm
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How does BREEZE measure CO2 level?

There is an onboard low-power CO2 transducer (the Senseair Sunrise) uses NDIR (nondispersive infrared) technology to measure the CO2 concentration (in parts per million) in the air.

  1. NDIR is the most common type of sensor used to measure CO2.
  2. The CO2 measurements are “pressure compensated” by the pressure measurements obtained from the onboard barometer. This is incredibly important for measuring accurate CO2 measurements when at altitudes other than sea level (e.g. in Calgary, which is over 1000 meters above sea level, the error in a CO2 measurement without pressure compensation has been seen to be around 100 ppm).
  3. The way that our sensor monitors the CO2 is by taking measurements according to a configurable sample period. The CO2 transducer takes a configurable number of subsamples per measurement to increase the accuracy. The most recent measurement is uplinked over LoRa and/or BLE.
  4. There is also the option to filter the CO2 measurements so as to reduce the chances of seeing quick bursts of high CO2 levels in an otherwise stable environment.
Why is the data displayed on an external display tablet?

The solution comes as two devices (Sensor and Display) to give end users the option to deploy a sensor centrally in a room on the ceiling, while installing the display by a doorway on a table, giving the users a variety of options for deployment to maintain data accuracy.

Do I need the external tablet?

While the tablet offers a continuous data monitoring function, it is not mandatory for your solution. There is also a web application dashboard that can display data recorded by the BREEZE device, so data from multiple devices can be viewed simultaneously.

Why do the numbers on the tablet change color?

The colour changes on the tablet symbol a form of alert notifications. When the CO2 level exceeds a customizable threshold, the data will turn black, symbolizing that ventilation is required. With battery life, when the battery goes below a customizable threshold, the display will turn black to symbolize that that battery life has breached the threshold and the batter will soon need to be replaced.

If the BLE connection between the device and the tablet is lost, how do you restore this connection?

The Sensor will attempt to find the Display by scanning, and if successful, it establishes a connection. After the Sensor has finished updating the Display, it will terminate the connection. If the connection cannot be established or is terminated prematurely, the display will not be updated with the latest values, and the sensor does not try to send the same values again. However, the Sensor will still attempt to communicate with the Display in subsequent transmissions.

What is the CO2 Accuracy?

The BREEZE has a CO2 range of 400-5000ppm, with an accuracy range of +/- 30ppm +3% of reading