We Know What’s IoT About
TEKTELIC is a leading supplier of LoRaWAN IoT Gateways, End-to-End Solutions, Sensors, and Applications. TEKTELIC has been present in the market since 2009 and during these years, has managed to achieve excellence in quality, engineering, and service. TEKTELIC offers a complete range of customized product design services and is backed by a growing portfolio of Devices, Applications, and Gateways.

What are TEKTELIC Main Activities?
TEKTELIC is a company involved in the development of wireless communication software and hardware. TEKTELIC is one of the first gateway solution providers to qualify hardware under the AWS IoT Core for the LoRaWAN device qualification program. This fully managed feature helps enterprise customers connect devices without developing and maintaining a LoRaWAN Network Server.
Simple to Deploy IoT Solutions that address Real Problems in three verticals: Smart Buildings, Asset Tracking & Digital Medicine
Exceptional Engineering, Customer Support & Guidance to address Customer Use Cases and Deployment Issues
Best Performance and Lowest Deployment & Operating Cost IoT Networks that last for 10+ years
We are inspired by our work, our goals, and our daily activities. IoT for TEKTELIC is more than just innovative technology; for us, it is a philosophy of the future, with more straightforward and more efficient processes around the industries.
Our Team
The TEKTELIC team comprises of highly experienced, highly qualified experts in multiple technical disciplines. The majority of team members are Master’s degree holders with advanced degrees in digital signal processing, radio and system design. They are committed to engineering excellence and quality and are dedicated to developing innovative IoT solutions that meet current business demands.