
1 min reading

9 September 2021

9 September 2021

ORCA is Certified to Run on Microsoft Azure!

By Last Updated: August 13, 2024
ORCA is Certified to Run on Microsoft Azure!
ORCA is Certified to Run on Microsoft Azure!

TEKTELIC is happy to announce that one more of our devices is Microsoft Azure Certified. ORCA has passed certain technical evaluations when run through the testing tools made available by Microsoft, the testing results were validated by Microsoft, and the device meets the business requirements of the Program.

The Azure Certified Device program – formerly known as Microsoft Azure Certified for IoT— ensures IoT solutions work great on Azure by validating that IoT devices meet specific capability needs. It is a program that combines tools, services, and a marketplace to effectively share industry knowledge and best practices with the community device builders within the IoT ecosystem.

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