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26 July 2022

5 Step Guide on Creating a Clean City Using IoT

By Last Updated: March 6, 2024
5 Step Guide on Creating a Clean City Using IoT
5 Step Guide on Creating a Clean City Using IoT

Urban areas are becoming more and more densely occupied so local governments start shifting their focus from putting all efforts to achieve economic growth to the necessity to combat climate change. With climate change and the fast development of existing infrastructure, the problem of greenhouse gas emissions, traffic management, and waste management is becoming bigger and bigger day by day. That’s why arises the necessity to introduce smart city projects aimed at solving such issues as traffic congestion, air pollution, shortage of natural resources, and illnesses connected to poor level of cleanness. Information and communication technologies, in turn, can help establish smart city infrastructure with smart traffic lights, smart parking, smart buildings, and automated waste management, which has to decrease air pollution and increase public safety.

1. Reduce Air Pollution

Currently, the air pollution levels in smart cities are critically high inside buildings are five times higher than those outside. The use of advanced Internet of Things (IoT) technologies for air quality monitoring and prediction has the potential to significantly reduce these levels. By combining IoT smart city architecture with environmental monitoring and edge computing, this technology can provide a low-cost, accurate reporting and predictive system. As an added benefit, IoT-based smart city solutions are easy to install and deploy all over the city.

Using Smart Meters

Using IoT metering sensors for air quality can help municipalities monitor the air around them in real-time. Smart metering sensors can detect pollution sources such as gas leaks, so preventative strategies can be developed quickly using smart city services. With smart meters, it is easy to gather all smart city data in one place to contribute to predictive analytics and the reduction of harmful emissions in a city.

Using Air Quality Sensors

With IoT sensors, cities can monitor and reduce air pollution in order to reduce health problems caused by smog and other pollutants. A sensor network connected to an IoT platform can monitor air quality and alert authorities of hazardous conditions. A smart air monitoring system, for example, can detect gases that are a cause of air pollution. These sensors send all sensitive data to a cloud computing-based web server to identify trends in air quality and find a solution to an environmental problem. With these results, industry managers can take appropriate actions for enhancing public safety. As a result, reducing air pollution with air quality sensors will become a reality.

Enhancing the Usage of Electric Vehicles

In order to improve air quality in urban areas, it may be also useful to encourage the usage of electric cars within a city. They reduce emissions, improve fuel efficiency, and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. In addition to reducing air pollution, the electrification of vehicles can also lower the number of greenhouse gases and nitrogen oxides. Since the majority of these emissions come from non-road equipment, electrification of vehicles has the potential to significantly reduce these emissions In addition to reducing greenhouse gas emissions, electric vehicle adoption can improve citizens’ quality of life, health, and the economy. In addition, the cost of electric cars has dropped nearly 85 percent in 2019, and the average vehicle range increased dramatically (Shahan, 2019). In addition, the charging times for electric vehicles have been reduced, making it feasible for consumers to buy an electric vehicle.

2. Increase Energy Efficiency

At first, you may think that energy efficiency can only save money and make IoT applications, smart city systems, and technologies more beneficial in the economical regard. However, many factories work on the energy generated by our usual electricity wires, producing excessive heat in the atmosphere, which in turn decreases the quality of the air. In the same way, cars, working on fossil fuels produce greenhouse emissions and pollute the air we are breathing. At the same time, a switch to green energy can significantly improve the ecological situation and ensure smart cities are both efficient and eco-friendly. IoT for smart cities can be considered green energy since the IoT technology works with low power consumption, which will drastically reduce electricity usage.

Establishing Smart Mobile Devices in Building

Buildings can take advantage of the Internet of Things (IoT) technologies to improve their energy efficiency. Smart technology collects data and provides a simple way to monitor and control energy usage in lighting, enabling appliances, and other electricity-related stuff. Buildings that use connected devices are able to reduce energy bills, while also improving tenant experiences. Increasing energy efficiency is an important first step toward building a sustainable future.

IoT can help building owners reduce energy demand. Buildings are large consumers of energy, both in terms of total cost and environmental impact. The average large building consumes around 230,000 kWh of electricity a year (U.S. Energy Information Administration, 2016). At a cost of about 11 cents per kilowatt-hour, this amount can add up to a large amount of money.

New IoT technologies will help save up to 230 billion cubic meters of water, with 35% of the water saved coming from smarter water grid operations (InterDigital, Inc, 2021). Other IoT and smart cities solutions will contribute to 35% of fuel savings in Asia, according to the World Resources Institute (2022). For regions with sustainable energy supplies, the impact of the Internet of Things technology will be less dramatic but still, it can significantly improve smart city operations.

Setting up Smart Lighting

IoT sensors can monitor internal temperatures, utility prices, and comfort parameters in real-time. Building controls engineers and energy managers can visualize this data on a smart device, which can then implement preventive or corrective measures. For example, smart lights can be programmed to run only during off-peak hours, and sensors in smoke detectors can be integrated with temperature controllers and humidity systems to optimize energy consumption. The real-time data collected by IoT devices, in turn, can also be sent to a smartphone or tablet with notifications sent to facility managers.

A new type of smart traffic light based on smart technologies may be able to reduce carbon dioxide emissions by as much as 25%. It works by sending information to dashboard-mounted devices in cars to determine the best time to proceed through a red light. It helps not only save energy but also optimize traffic flow, reduce the density of traffic jams, and even help find parking spaces. The smart streetlights really can help cut down on pollution and traffic congestion, which makes them a really good option to sensor data and send it to web services for lightning adjustment. Drivers will know exactly how fast to drive when approaching a light and the road traffic will move on accordingly, not affecting public transportation and traffic flows.

The technology is so advanced that it is capable of reducing power consumption to just one or two watts. It has revolutionized the market with its innovative 1-watt technology. Compared to standard 230V LED lights, smart traffic lights can reduce energy consumption by as much as 85 percent. A smart traffic light also helps emergency response vehicles arrive at a scene faster. They can automatically adjust the traffic signal timing to prevent vehicles from entering certain intersections before first responders have passed through; this same open data platform can be used to successfully track if there is any available parking space. Furthermore, smart traffic lights help reduce the number of time cars spend idling at red lights, which produce a significant source of greenhouse gas emissions. Approximately thirty million tons of carbon dioxide are produced annually by idling cars (U.S. Department of Energy, 2015). So, if the usage of smart technologies can improve traffic management and planet health, then there is no reason to delay implementing them.

3. Optimize Parking

Applications of IoT in smart cities can improve the experience of parking both in the public and private sector. With ubiquitous connectivity and real-time tracking, this data can be made available to both space owners and drivers. With structured data analytics available, parking managers can enhance customer experience by using historical data on rush hours from CCTV cameras and smart city applications. In addition to real-time tracking, end-to-end visibility is also possible, making the process faster and easier.

IoT-based parking systems use wireless technologies to communicate with other connected devices to provide information on available parking slots. With the help of cloud-based servers, parking lot operators can monitor and resolve parking complaints online. Additionally, with IoT-enabled parking systems, parking lot operators can change parking slots to accommodate faster traffic flow. This way, the traffic is not only improved but the parking spaces can be more efficient. Here you may ask how is it related to making the city cleaner and more eco-friendly and the answer is, in many ways.

The smart parking system can use IoT to collect data in real-time and compare it to a benchmarked dataset to provide actionable insights. Smart parking systems can also help local authorities assess parking needs and prepare for major events to avoid traffic jams and as a result, reduce carbon emissions. The data generated by the smart parking systems are valuable to other industries in the public and private sector as well since with it they’ll be able to apply their IoT technology to make effective decisions about waste management, delivery routes, and other stuff.

4. Prevent Natural Disasters

We should agree that this point sounds a bit too overconfident but the Internet of Things can truly help with this. One of the major goals of this project is to establish a mechanism for dealing with disasters in small towns that surround a smart city. This includes real-time sensing, computing, and handling. Real-time sensing includes is used to provide early warning and alarm notifications in case of a fire in indoor or outdoor settings, containing the precise locations of fires, which is crucial for the fast reaction and prevention of spread.

Using Smart Forecasting Systems

Smart forecasting systems can predict different kinds of disasters for governments and citizens to react properly to minimize damage. These systems can detect and assess disasters and generate valuable insights for disaster managers. In addition, the data collected by these systems can also be integrated with other information such as socioeconomic and demographic information and critical infrastructure, which will help smart cities detect the most vulnerable people and help them.

Such forecasting can work not only in the short term but in the long term as well. Thanks to machine learning technology and web development, smart technology can gather data from a wide scope of sources and then predict possible outcomes for several years ahead if certain activities will affect the environment in a bad way, so people will still have time to cease them. Once these systems are in place, they can help the city prevent natural disasters and rebuild in a clean and safe manner.

Using Immediate Alerts

Smart city technology can greatly contribute to disaster management. Advanced technologies are available to monitor coastlines and alert coastal areas of impending disasters. The use of drones that are connected to IoT systems could also help in identifying and evacuating victims; they can even navigate autonomous vehicles used for emergencies. The good thing here is that smart sensors immediately send alerts to responsible people in case of an emergency. Cities must have advanced analytics and technology to manage disasters before they occur. Data analytics can help them mitigate the damage caused by flooding, earthquakes, and fires. Smart technology also provides information on the health of citizens and communities promptly.

5. Keep up with the Latest Technologies

The last step in this guide is as simple as the. It is really true that to create a cleaner smart city using the Internet of Things, you have to keep up with the latest technologies. Keeping up with the latest technologies to create clean cities can help improve air quality, reduce energy usage, and help prevent natural disasters. Data is the basis for many cities’ efforts to improve the quality of life. Chicago, for example, has installed a citywide sensor network to make decisions based on data in real-time. Pittsburgh uses high-tech cameras to monitor air pollution. And Louisville is putting a data-gathering tool in the hands of residents – they’re using inhalers to gather information about their air quality and relay it back to the city. These cities are examples of how to be smart and clean, so it’s worth considering their experiences and applying smart technology to your city as well.

What are other Results of Following a Smart City Guide?

Smart cities are a concept, which can change the game completely. The benefits of IoT in smart cities go beyond saving the environment and making life easier. Living in a smart city is about living a safer, more equal, and economically stable life. So, here we got several reasons why you actually need to make the city smart.

Safer Communities

Smarter cities are safer. Using technological advances to reduce criminology helps in minimizing different kinds of offense cases and danger within an urban area. Various technology tools help the authorities with their work if required, these include detecting license plates of criminals and face recognition systems. Currently, cities are putting money into smart technologies that will promote safer communities and a better life for the young generation. Different smart cities put an effort to contribute to this trend. For example, Detroit’s mayor recently collaborated with local firms on an online video platform that allows police to view business surveillance footage in real-time. Currently, smart cities show significant results in terms of safety increase and comfort of citizens.

Enhanced Citizens and Government Engagement

Citizens are requesting digital solutions from city authorities in order to make their city more efficient. Collaboration tools and online services are now a common feature across many aspects of our lives and citizens expect more enhanced digitalization from their communities. The growing use of smart city technology has paved the way for a more progressive population to live. The expansion of digital services to communities will improve the quality of life for residents and promote connected citizenship experiences.

Efficient Public Utilities

Smart energy systems that cities use can be useful in managing water and energy use. Sensors can now detect and repair water leaks in pipes, allowing city personnel to reduce water loss in confined areas. Smart grid technology also facilitates bidirectional communications between power providers/consumers to assist in better identifying the peak hours. TEKTELIC has already participated in such a project in Varazdin, where with the help of KONA Macro IoT Gateways city managed to establish an application to constantly monitor water flow throughout the water system and distribution channels, detecting leaks, and saving energy.

KONA Macro IoT Gateway is a great choice for smart cities as it was designed for outdoor deployments and has highly selective bandpass filters. This gateway has a range of mounting options, so it can be mounted at the utility pole, lamp post, tower, roof, or wall mounts. Besides, with plug-and-play installation, you can significantly reduce set-up costs, so it will not take a lot of time or money to start using the gateway.

KONA Macro IoT Gateway

Reduced Environmental Footprint

Generally reduced environmental footprint can be considered one of the best outcomes of using IoT in the cities. The rise of carbon emissions is forcing smart cities across the globe to act to reduce the impact. Buildings that are more sustainable, and emit less pollution by reducing their environmental impact are a new tool in the world economy. Air quality monitoring sensors can also help monitor peak hours of poor air quality, identify polluted air, and provide information that can be used as action plans.

More Effective Data-Driven Decision-Making

The rise of Big Data has given cities access to data they had not previously seen. An integrated data analysis strategy allows city officials to easily analyze large amounts of data. When cities can track metrics online, they are able to improve the quality of services immediately. Effective big data applications, in turn, work properly when the city is connected using IoT technology and smart things.

New Economic Development Opportunities

Innovative technologies always contribute to the economical rise because introducing smart technology cities attract new investors and money inflow. Investing in smart city technologies can increase economic growth by 5 percent of incremental GDP (Hegde, 2018). Some private companies also join the government in investing millions into smart city initiatives contributing to faster economic development. Smart city investments play a key role in improving regional and global cities’ competitiveness by attracting new inhabitants and companies; they create new opportunities for businesses and common citizens which makes them a good choice for both developed and developing countries.

Which TEKTELIC Devices Can be Useful for Smart Cities?

TEKTELIC being a leader in Carrier-Grade LoRaWAN IoT Gateways and Devices has an extensive line of IoT products, which enable smart cities to monitor the health of infrastructure, environment, and citizens’ wellbeing. We have already mentioned KONA Macro IoT Gateway but we have way more to make your city cleaner, smarter, and more comfortable.

First of all, the main concern of the cities is air quality, so the necessity to monitor CO2 levels, humidity, and temperature is obvious. Considering that indoor levels of CO2 are much higher than outdoor, the focus should be on indoor air freshness. Without proper ventilation, the CO2 level in an office building may be eight times higher than the safe level. As such, smart CO2 monitors can be a great tool to protect health and reduce the risk of respiratory diseases from poor ventilation. This is why demand-controlled ventilation systems are so important in urban environments, as they help keep CO2 levels in buildings down and save lives and money.

TEKTELIC BREEZE-D will be a perfect choice for this purpose. It monitors CO2, humidity, temperature, light, and barometric air pressure. BREEZE is small in size and can be mounted to the wall or ceiling easily. It is also pairable with an E-Ink display, which you can place right on your table to be aware of CO2 concentration and air freshness. The design of the device is sleek and unobscured to fit any interior and style inside the building.


One more sensor, which might be of use for making your city and buildings in it more energy efficient is TEKTELIC VIVID, which monitors motion, temperature, light, and humidity. With the information on lighting and motion, you can adjust your lighting system in such a way that it will turn on the light only when somebody enters the room. It will not only decrease the expenses on utilities but also will make our planet a bit greener. VIVID also detects leaks and is useful in water management.


Summing up

Smart cities must monitor environmental conditions and act to prevent pollution. By monitoring air and other consumption-related parameters, a smart city can mitigate pollution, ensuring a healthy environment for residents. The network of sensors can also detect pollution sources and alert residents before disasters occur. The use of these sensors is essential to making cities smart. This type of technology will help cities become more sustainable places to live in and protect the environment. TEKTELIC, in this case, can supply cities with reliable IoT products to make the process of “city smartening” easier and more efficient.

For more detailed information on the products TEKTELIC offers for smart cities, please message our sales team via email at

  1. Hegde, Z. (2018). Smart city tech to drive over 5% incremental GDP, trillions in economic growth over the next decade reports ABI Research | IoT Now News & Reports. Retrieved 13 June 2022, from
  2. InterDigital, Inc. (2021). IoT Technology Will Save More Than Eight Times the Energy it Consumes by 2030 and Drive Strong Reduction in CO2 Emissions and Water Usage. Retrieved 10 June 2022, from,applications%20like%20crop%20management%20and%20remote%20pest%20control.
  3. Shahan, Z. (2019). EV battery cost has dropped 85% since 2010 (and other good news) | Red, Green, and Blue. Retrieved 10 June 2022, from
  4. U.S. Department of Energy. (2015). Idling Reduction for Personal Vehicles. Argonne National Laboratory. Retrieved from
  5. U.S. Energy Information Administration. (2016). Table PBA4. Electricity consumption totals and conditional intensities by building activity subcategories, 2012. Retrieved from
  6. World Resources Institute. (2022). Climate Solutions Partnership. Retrieved 10 June 2022, from
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