
5 min reading

14 December 2021

14 December 2021

Asset Tracking for Hospitals and Healthcare Organizations

Asset Tracking for Hospitals and Healthcare Organizations
Asset Tracking for Hospitals and Healthcare Organizations

Are you tired of constantly searching for missing medical equipment or dealing with the high costs and inefficiencies caused by misplaced assets in your hospital? You’re not alone. Asset mismanagement is a significant pain point for many healthcare organizations, leading to wasted time, increased expenses, and compromised patient care.

This blog post is here to help. We understand the challenges you face in keeping track of critical medical assets and ensuring they are used efficiently and securely. Asset tracking in hospitals offers a solution that addresses these specific issues head-on. By leveraging radio frequency identification (RFID tracking) and real-time location systems (RTLS), hospitals can drastically reduce theft, cut administrative costs, and enhance overall operational efficiency.

In this article we will dive into how asset tracking technology can solve these issues and streamline your healthcare operations.

  • How Asset Tracking Works in Healthcare Learn how hospitals can assign unique identifiers to assets and track their movements through detailed databases. We’ll also cover how IoT tracking devices, especially those using LoRaWAN, provide reliable, long-range coverage for monitoring various hospital assets.
  • Real-World Use Cases See practical examples of asset tracking in action, such as monitoring temperature-sensitive vaccines during transportation, tracking emergency vehicle locations, and ensuring critical medical equipment is always where it’s needed.
  • Common Challenges in Healthcare Understand the typical problems healthcare organizations face. We’ll show you how asset tracking can address these pain points.
  • Benefits of Asset Tracking Systems Discover the advantages of implementing an asset tracking system, including improved inventory management, enhanced patient care, time savings, and increased safety and security.
  • Choosing the Right Asset Tracking System Get practical tips on selecting an asset tracking system that fits your hospital’s needs, focusing on scalability, integration with existing systems, security, cost-effectiveness, user-friendliness, and reliability.
  • TEKTELIC’s Solutions Learn about the specific products and solutions TEKTELIC offers, such as the SPARROW LoRaWAN Asset Tracker and LOCUS Application. We’ll explain how these tools can enhance your asset management and improve your hospital’s efficiency.

Read on to discover how implementing asset tracking can transform your healthcare facility, ensuring that your equipment is always where it needs to be, helping your staff focus on what truly matters—delivering exceptional patient care.


What are the Benefits of Hospital Asset Management ?

Hospital asset tracking system provide a comprehensive, streamlined way to track and monitor hospital resources, ensuring accuracy and reducing the amount of time and effort needed to manage inventory. Take a look at the main benefits we’ve gathered for you.

Inventory Management

Using asset-tracking solutions, hospitals will better manage and monitor mobile hospital equipment. With the help of an asset-tracking solution, clinical staff can monitor stock levels in real time. A notification system informs staff when an equipment inventory is running low and automates ordering for the necessary repair works. A cloud-based or IoT asset tracking solution provides easy access to data anywhere in the world, which can be helpful in case of the need for a main medical institution to monitor the medical assets of its branches.

For effective management, TEKTELIC has developed SPARROW LoRaWAN Asset Tracker, a cost-saving asset-tracking device that allows hospitals to manage and track mobile assets. The device streamlines asset management in the healthcare sector and decreases resourcing and labor costs. SPARROW also makes it easy for hospital staff to locate medical equipment and access maintenance schedules and records.

Asset Tracker for Hospital SPARROW

Adding SPARROW to an inventory system will make medical tools easier to manage and maintain. TEKTELIC SPARROW combines the power of Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) and LoRaWAN technology to offer full property coverage, always-on connectivity, and long battery life of up to 5 years. With SPARROW, hospital staff can instantly view and update the locations of all assets.

Improvement of Patient Care

The process of asset tracking in medical institutions can improve patient care by tracking medical equipment and supplies needed for a particular patient in a particular hospital room. The system can be used to track syringes, gloves, masks, and other items. It can be used to detect when a piece of equipment is out of compliance or needs maintenance.

A medical asset tracking solution also helps reduce the time it takes to access and diagnose patients. For example, a hospital with an intensive care unit may need more oxygen tanks, ventilators, or infusion pumps. This equipment is critical to the patient’s health and life. By tracking medical equipment and its location, hospitals can increase their efficiency and reduce the waiting time in the emergency room, leading to high-quality care.


According to different pieces of research, nurses spend an average of 208 hours each year searching for items . For healthcare facilities, such an amount of time is more than too much, and healthcare providers can save many lives by not wasting this time in the search for critical assets. By automating the process, staff will be able to save time, and resources, and keep the focus on patients having assets found in a matter of minutes.

This helps healthcare facilities avoid unnecessary panic buying and unnecessary expenditures on equipment. It will also help hospital personnel update their medical records instantly across all platforms, including mobile phones.

Safety Insurance

Smart asset tracking in hospitals ensures the safety of patients. An asset tracking device will automatically engage security protocols when an asset approaches doors or elevators using a real-time location system. Reports can also show how the assets were moved and how long they were on their way. With detailed reports, a healthcare facility will be sure to have all resources for asset management and know when fixes and safety re-evaluations are needed.

How Asset Tracking Works in Healthcare

Asset tracking in hospitals is organized by assigning each asset an identifier, or serial number, and then tracking its movements and location through a database. These databases can be either physical or digital and can contain information such as the asset’s purchasing date and cost, current location, and maintenance records. Asset tracking is often organized into categories, such as office equipment, IT equipment, vehicles, inventory, and personnel. This helps to ensure that items are tracked accurately and that they are properly maintained and accounted for.

Hospitals and medical organizations can track a variety of assets, among which are the following:

  • Equipment and supplies (Health monitors and critical inventory);
  • Medicine and pharmaceuticals;
  • Carts;
  • Portable medicine storages;
  • Patients and personnel location;
  • Medical records of patients.

Each tracked asset gets its own IoT tracking device according to its purpose and use. These devices can be powered by different networks such as LoRaWAN, Wi-Fi, cellular, or any other. TEKTELIC chose LoRaWAN as its primary method of connectivity because it has long-range coverage (up to 15 km), low power consumption, is robust (making it suitable for cold rooms and outdoor environments), and is secure (the encryption layer uses AES-128 encryption and authentication layer uses a unique set of keys shared between devices and the network server).

TEKTELIC's human tracking solution

Best Software for Asset Tracking in Hospitals


We believe that the best healthcare asset tracking software includes built-in analytics and customizable dashboards, which help overcome many challenges related to equipment management.

That is why TEKTELIC offers the LOCUS Application, which is created to notify users when certain assets are on the move, reducing the risk of misplaced assets, reducing time spent searching for these assets, and increasing over productivity.

Pros of Tektelic:

  • Real-Time Notifications
    • Alerts users when assets are moved.
    • Reduces the risk of misplaced items.
    • Saves time spent searching for equipment.
    • Boosts overall productivity.
  • Accessibility
    • Allows remote control of assets from multiple sites via radio waves.
    • Utilizes RFID technology for wireless signal transmission.
    • Sends data directly to mobile devices.
  • Comprehensive Tracking
    • Identifies both movable and fixed assets within and beyond the facility.
    • RFID tags embedded in smart sensors attach to assets.
    • Readers are strategically placed around the clinic.
  • User-Friendly Interface
    • Provides easy access through a web app or mobile device.
    • Tracks the precise location of movable assets.
    • Develops effective storage and maintenance solutions before assets arrive.


Cons of Tektelic:

  • Initial cost. The initial investment required to implement TEKTELIC’s advanced asset tracking systems can be considerable. While the long-term benefits and cost savings are significant, leading to enhanced operational efficiency and reduced loss or theft of assets. However, these cost savings over time can greatly outweigh the initial costs, making it a worthwhile investment.

With TEKTELIC’s LOCUS Application, healthcare facilities can streamline asset management, ensuring equipment is always in the right place, improving efficiency, and ultimately enhancing patient care.

For more insights on what is 10 Best Asset Tracking Software chosen by experts check out our detailed guide.

2. Zebra

Zebra Technologies provides asset tracking solutions for hospitals, focusing on real-time visibility and efficient management of critical medical assets.


Pros of Zebra:

  • Increased visibility into hospital asset locations.
  • Automated tracking of assets and inventory management.
  • Improved safety for hospital personnel and patients.
  • Reduced time and labor costs associated with manual asset tracking.
  • Increased accountability for asset management.
  • Improved accuracy of asset tracking.
  • Automated alerts for asset maintenance and repairs.
  • Easily customizable to fit the needs of each hospital.

Cons of Zebra:

  • The high initial cost of implementation.
  • Potential disruption of hospital operations during implementation.
  • Possible incompatibility with existing hospital systems.
  • Possibility of data loss due to system failure.
  • Difficulty in training staff on the use of the software.


Zebra offers custom solutions based on the unique needs of each hospital. To get detailed pricing information, it is best to contact Zebra directly through their website or by connecting with an authorized Zebra partner who can provide a tailored quote based on your specific requirements.

3. CenTrak

CENTRAK Healthcare solution

CenTrak offers real-time location systems (RTLS) designed to enhance asset management in healthcare settings. Their solutions are regarded for their reliability, scalability, and the actionable insights they provide.

Pros of Cen Trak:

  • Accurate, real-time tracking of medical equipment and supplies.
  • Ability to track patient care items and processes.
  • Reduce time spent searching for missing or misplaced items.
  • Provides cost savings through improved asset utilization.
  • Integrates with existing hospital infrastructure and systems.
  • Easy to install.

Cons of Cen Trak:

  • Relatively expensive.
  • Not all hospital staff members may be comfortable using the technology.
  • May require additional training for staff to use the system effectively.
  • May take time to adjust to the new system and protocol.
  • May require additional hardware and software to be installed.

Pricing of Cen Trak:

Cen Trak does not provide specific pricing on their website due to the variability in costs based on factors such as the size of the healthcare facility, the number of assets to be tracked, and the particular configuration of the RTLS system required. For a customized quote tailored to your needs, it is best to reach out to CenTrak directly.

4. ASAP Systems

ASAP Systems offers an inventory and asset tracking solution designed to cater to various industries, including healthcare.

ASAP Systems Healthcare solutionvvv

Pros of ASAP Systems:

  • Accurate, real-time tracking of medical equipment and supplies
  • Ability to track patient care items and processes
  • Reduce time spent searching for missing or misplaced items
  • Provides cost savings through improved asset utilization
  • Integrates with existing hospital infrastructure and systems
  • Easy to install.

Cons of ASAP Systems:

  • Relatively expensive
  • Not all hospital staff members may be comfortable using the technology
  • May require additional training for staff to use the system effectively
  • May take time to adjust to the new system and protocol
  • May require additional hardware and software to be installed.


ASAP Systems doesn’t provide specific prices on their website because costs can vary based on your organization’s size, the number of assets and inventory items you need to track, and the system configuration you require. For a detailed and personalized quote, it’s best to reach out to ASAP Systems directly.

Use cases of Hospital and Healthcare Asset Tracking

1. Cold Chain Transportation

A prime example is the transportation of critical resources like vaccines requires precision and reliability. Using an IoT device with temperature and humidity sensors can help nursing staff to monitor the state of these materials on the move and eliminate the possibility of unplanned maintenance problems.

In this article, we explore how TEKTELIC effectively addressed the challenge of temperature-sensitive vaccine storage using the TUNDRA cold room temperature sensor.

A Canadian-based company has turned to us with a need to sustain proper temperature in vaccine storages while in transit. We were happy to offer TUNDRA to monitor temperature levels in a cold chain, which can be placed inside the refrigerator without any additional wiring or equipment needed. It has 10-year battery life and operates in extreme temperatures from -40°C to +85°C with minimal to no impact on radio signal strength.

TUNDRA cold-chain sensor

2. Logistics

With IoT devices , workers can reduce costs for fuel, equipment, and other resources. For instance, with GPS and location-tracking technologies, fleet managers can track emergency vehicles and send them updates on better routes and patient locations. The IoT devices will enable real-time communication between logistics managers and hospital staff, which can help reallocate resources to higher-value tasks and optimize the process of asset management.

To satisfy the need for continuous location tracking, TEKTELIC has created LoRaWAN GPS Sensor , which has a ruggedized IP67 design to be used in extreme outdoor conditions and transmits data through LoRaWAN and BLE in addition to GPS. With ORCA , you can have peace of mind about the location of the fleet or valuable packages in transit at any time, anywhere.

This device can be paired with any LoRaWAN-based tracking software, which allows it to automatically associate all the relevant information with the assets, which have already been in the system. The information collected is also helpful for reducing loss, stealing equipment, preventing delays, and keeping track of the movement of assets.

3. Hospital Equipment Tracking Device

One of the biggest IoT areas of use in healthcare is asset tracking. Smart devices can improve the overall quality of healthcare by preventing inventory shrinkage and facilitating the search for necessary equipment. The asset management system can help hospitals save money and improve the lives of their patients and clinicians. It can prevent unnecessary purchases of inventory and support staff dealing with critical equipment. Additionally, automated asset tracking also helps clinics reduce theft and misuse of their valuable assets.

4. Health Monitoring in Hospitals

Aside from asset tracking, IoT plays a great role in health monitoring directly. For example, TEKTELIC has successfully introduced eDOCTOR Device to one of the hospitals in Calgary for more precise monitoring of patients’ states during clinical trials. eDOCTOR helps with monitoring the critical indicators of a patient’s health. It monitors body temperature, respiration rate, chest expansion, coughing/sneezing, body position, and heart rate . This device can be helpful for people struggling with respiratory diseases, those participating in clinical trials, or those needing consistent heart monitor readings.

TEKTELIC's eDoctor in hospital

TEKTELIC also offers eBEAT Body Temperature Monitor , a perfect solution for continuously monitoring patient health. It is specially designed to monitor body temperature, heart rate, and blood oxygen level. The washable armband strap allows the device to be worn in any situation and environment. Using this device, medical professionals can monitor patients without compromising privacy and without spending extra time on regular meetings.

What to Consider When Choosing an Asset Tracking System?

It might be hard to choose the right asset-tracking system, so here is the list of the most meaningful things:

  • Scalability

When choosing a tracking system, ensure the system can grow with your hospital’s needs. This means the system should be able to accommodate any changes in the number of assets or the types of assets being tracked. For example, all TEKTELIC devices are created to be scalable, with the possibility of expanding the network and addressing facility needs.

  • Integration

Ensure the system can integrate with existing hospital software and databases. The system needs to offer a variety of integrations to provide staff with the tools they need to get the job done. This will allow the system to draw upon existing information and provide a comprehensive, real-time view of the hospital’s assets.

  • Security

Ensure the system can protect sensitive healthcare data and is compliant with industry standards. The system should include measures such as encryption, access control, and intrusion detection in order to protect the data it stores.

  • Cost

The cost of a tracking system can vary depending on the functionality and scope of the software. It will depend on the number of features that are needed, like location tracking, asset utilization analytics, and other functionalities. So, you should consider the total cost of the system, including not only hardware but also software licenses.

  • User-Friendliness

Make sure the system is easy to use and understand. It should have an intuitive user interface that allows users to quickly and easily learn how to use the system. You need to remember that users will be medical specialists with low or no technical knowledge at all.

  • Reliability

Make sure the system is reliable and capable of performing its job without interruption. This means the system should be able to handle large amounts of data and should be able to run without any errors or crashes for effective management.

TEKTELIC takes reliability very seriously, so, for example, our KONA Micro IoT Gateway , which is often used in healthcare, has a 4-hour battery backup, so even if the main source of power is shut down, the gateway keeps operating and transmits data to the network. It ensures all-time asset visibility and reliable inventory management.

  • Reporting

Ensure the system can generate accurate and timely reports. This will help organize scheduled maintenance and see how certain assets perform (whether some of them are barely used or there is a shortage of some equipment pieces).

  • Support

Make sure the hospital equipment tracking system of your choice is backed by reliable customer support. This will ensure that any issues that arise can be quickly and effectively resolved.

By choosing TEKTELIC as a partner in hospital automation, you can be sure to have continuous support in all stages of the customer journey, from choosing a necessary device to post-deployment help and consultation.

Get in touch with TEKTELIC's experts

How Asset Tracking Works in Healthcare

Asset tracking is organized by assigning each asset an identifier, or serial number, and then tracking its movements and location through a database.

These databases can be either physical or digital and can contain information such as the asset’s purchasing date and cost, current location, and maintenance records. Asset tracking is often organized into categories, such as office equipment, IT equipment, vehicles, inventory, and personnel.

This helps to ensure that items are tracked accurately and that they are properly maintained and accounted for.

Hospitals and medical organizations can track a variety of assets, among which are the following:

  • Equipment and supplies (Health monitors and critical inventory)
  • Medicine and pharmaceuticals
  • Carts
  • Portable medicine storages
  • Patients and personnel location
  • Medical records of patients.

Each tracked asset gets its own IoT tracking device according to its purpose and use. These devices can be powered by different networks such as LoRaWAN, Wi-Fi, cellular, or any other.

TEKTELIC chose LoRaWAN as its primary method of connectivity because it has long-range coverage (up to 15 km), low power consumption, is robust (making it suitable for cold rooms and outdoor environments), and is secure (the encryption layer uses AES-128 encryption and authentication layer uses a unique set of keys shared between devices and the network server).

Best Asset Trackers

What are the Issues Medical Organizations Face?

As healthcare organizations expand, they’re presented with a wide range of issues. LoRaWAN-based asset tracking , in turn, offers a reliable and efficient solution for the challenges these organizations face.

Poor Inventory Management

Inventory in healthcare can be a total mess due to relocated equipment/medical supplies, the absence of a unified database, and human error. Human error in inventory tracking can cause costly supply surpluses or dangerous shortages, so it’s important to delegate this task to a reliable hardware or software solution that helps reduce staff mistakes.

Medication distribution errors are common in hospitals, and a good inventory management system can help reduce these mistakes. In addition to medication, many hospitals have equipment that needs to be stocked and tracked regularly to ensure they’re not missing crucial pieces of medical technology.

Delayed Equipment Maintenance

Many healthcare organizations do not perform effective maintenance due to a lack of knowledge on how the equipment works, how often it is used, and the risks associated with its use. It leads to unexpected equipment breakdowns, costly maintenance, and additional expenses.

Timely scheduled maintenance on medical equipment can help reduce downtime and ensure its longevity. It also saves hospitals money by reducing unexpected breakdowns and prevents them from scrambling to make expensive emergency maintenance calls that will eat up their budget.

Outdated Information about Healthcare Assets

Healthcare facilities don’t often update the information on the assets present, which leads to guessing whether a certain asset is available or not. It might be a life-threatening mistake if patients need IV pumps, mechanical ventilation equipment, or ventricular assist devices but they are not available or cannot be found in a facility.

It creates the necessity for real-time updates on equipment and a well-organized management system to be aware of asset locations at all times.

Weak Data Analysis

These days, healthcare organizations face many data analysis issues, including appointment no-shows, managing the supply chain, decreasing cases of stolen assets, and the inability to effectively manage the supply chain. Consequently, hospitals end up having long lists of expenses, operations downtime, and management confusion.

Integration of smart solutions and healthcare asset tracking software can reveal insights, answer questions, and identify trends based on data collected. It will help health professionals make more informed decisions about managing medical assets as well as organizing better patient care.

Excessive Costs

For a long time, medical devices had been accumulated over time and stored in yearly reports. Once these assets had been lost or stolen, the hospital invested in a replacement for the missing equipment. A lost piece of equipment can take a bite out of a hospital’s bottom line. In the US, approximately $4,000 worth of medical equipment is lost or stolen each year. This amount of money can be really useful for other purposes in the healthcare sector. That is why healthcare facilities need to keep track of their assets in real time and take action to prevent unwanted losses .

Get in Touch with TEKTELIC's experts

Summing up

The advantages of hospital asset tracking cannot be overemphasized as it provides comprehensive information about the assets, including their condition, location, and stock levels. The IoT asset management devices help with this task and can streamline the hospital’s operations, saving workers time and helping to achieve greater accuracy and care quality. So, if you need to improve hospital inventory management, the Internet of Things might be a perfect solution to go with.

Want to know even more? Reach out to the TEKTELIC sales team and buy LoRaWAN sensors , which will bring your asset management system to a completely different level.

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